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Action on Body Confidence is a co-educational programme for young people aged 7 - 25 which supports young people to plan and run their own body confidence advocacy projects. Through exciting and engaging age-appropriate activities, they identify the biggest body confidence issues in their community, and work together to plan a project that doesn't only raise awareness, but is true advocacy, asking decision makers for change. The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and Dove work towards boosting body confidence and support children and young people to advocate on body confidence issues in their community. Patches can be ordered here: WAGGGS store Girl Scouts has a partnership with the National Park Service to create the "Girl Scout Ranger Program," a joint venture connecting girls with National Park Service sites throughout the United States, including monuments, seashores, and urban sites. There are 5 steps to earn this patch.
Action on Body Confidence
Free Being Me Dove Program
Girl Scout Ranger Program Patch
From GSUSA: The Global Action award is designed to complement GSUSA's national leadership journeys and reinforces the same leadership goals of: discovering oneself and one's values; connecting via teamwork with other members and by reaching out to the local and global communities; and taking action to improve the world.
The World Thinking Day award is an official award that may be worn on the front of the official Girl Scout uniform sash or vest.