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Calling all Scout Troops! America's ToothFairy provides an opportunity for youth engaged in Boy or Girl Scouts of America to learn, teach and reach out into their community around children's oral health. Note: Currently they are not running the patch program but follow the link to sign up to be notified when it starts back up. Discover how B Corps make a positive impact in their communities, and how your group, troop, or classroom can do the same. Kids will learn how they can support their environment, make their community stronger, and contribute to a healthier world. Patches are FREE. Briar Patches are based on popular teen books. They bring stories to life, letting teens try out their favorite characters' likes and dislikes. They encourage creative problem solving, real-life skills, career exploration, and outdoor fun. There is a workbook and leader guide for each level to learn about energy and careers in the energy field. Patches are FREE. The farm families of Cabot Creamery Co-operative are excited to show you how the delicious dairy products you enjoy make it from our farms to your table. This is a FREE patch program. The Forgotten Soldiers Outreach, Inc. is excited to partner with the Girl Scouts. We designed a program that gives a Girl Scout troop member the opportunity to earn a Forgotten Soldiers Outreach patch. Through a series of easy but important steps each Girl Scout will learn about our Forgotten Soldiers and help support our soldiers that are deployed around the world. Girl Scouts has a partnership with the National Park Service to create the "Girl Scout Ranger Program," a joint venture connecting girls with National Park Service sites throughout the United States, including monuments, seashores, and urban sites. There are 5 steps to earn this patch. The American Nuclear Society has established the Get to Know Nuclear Patch with the Girl Scouts Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana council that can be earned by any Scout in the U.S. that meets the requirements. The requirements are suitable for Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors, however variations can be made to meet educational level of Brownies, and Daisies as well. With the increase in youth bullying, suicide and drug use, Girl Scouts are actively fighting to create change. Through a program to educate and reduce the stigma of mental illness, Girl Scouts can earn the Mental Health Awareness Patch developed by IBPF for playing a positive role in their communities. Patches are FREE. Cabot’s Gratitude Patch focuses on the importance of expressing gratitude in both what one says and through one’s actions. The activities outlined will help kids to focus on, and appreciate, the good things and special people in their lives. Patches are FREE. Learn to explore the great outdoors responsibly with the Happy Camper Patch! Cabot Creamery, REI Co-op, and Leave No Trace present Happy Camper, a patch program that teaches kids how to responsibly explore the great outdoors. This patch is centered around the seven Leave No Trace Principles for Outdoor Ethics, and is sure to inspire and educate explorers of all ages. Participants will learn about the principles, gain tips for utilizing them in everyday life, and complete fun activities geared towards getting outside and enjoying the natural landscape. Patches are FREE. This innovative program isn’t just about earning a patch—it’s about fostering empathy, understanding, and proactive engagement. Girl Scouts will delve into the diverse challenges individuals face today, grasp the importance of extending a helping hand, and explore innovative ways to effect positive change in their neighborhoods. In short, Girl Scouts will engage in meaningful activities that resonate with our core values at Lasagna Love. Cabot and The Bake for Good Program at King Arthur Baking Company have joined forces to create Let Good Thoughts Rise, to allow kids to learn how mindfulness can help them feel focused and relaxed as they move through the world. This is a FREE patch program. Tally Ho, Girl Scout! Nature Cat and his pals have teamed up with Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana to head outside. Earn a free Nature Cat Explorer patch by completing one activity from each of the character sections: Nature Cat, Daisy, Squeeks, and Hal. GSUSA's My Promise, My Faith Explanation and Resources. P.R.A.Y. is a Bible-based religious emblems program for Protestant and Independent Christian churches designed to bring children, youth, and families to Christ. Also features patch programs. Patchwork Designs offers patch programs with individual requirements. They feature Historically Speaking (countries and states), community service projects, Months, Discovery, and other special programs. The Cabot farmers want to teach kids about the importance of pollinators in our communities and practical ways they can help protect and preserve pollinator populations. Patches are FREE. The Stop The Silence patch program will help girls understand invisible disabilities. Through a series of steps, girls will learn what invisible “silent” disabilities are, how they affect people, and what they can do to help others. Girls will also learn how to be more considerate and caring Girl Scouts as they explore inclusion and accessibility when it comes to invisible disabilities. The Stop The Silence patch program is for all Girl Scout levels, Daisy through Ambassador, and can be worked on as a troop or individually. Cabot’s Small Steps Toward Sustainability program encourages all groups to make small changes toward a more sustainable home and community. Patches are FREE. Donate used crayons and earn a patch for doing so! Patches can be purchased here: https://thecrayoninitiative.org/product/scout-patch-iron-on/
B The Change from Cabot Creamery
Briar Patches
Farm Love from Cabot Creamery
Forgotten Soldiers Outreach Patch Program
Girl Scout Ranger Program Patch
Girl Scouts Get to Know Nuclear Patch
Girl Scouts Mental Health Awareness Patch
Gratitude from Cabot Creamery
Happy Camper from Cabot Creamery
Lasagna Love Patch Program
Mindfulness Patch from Cabot Creamery
Nature Cat Explorer Patch
P.R.A.Y. Publishing
Pollinator from Cabot Creamery
Sustainability from Cabot Creamery
Sweet Adeline Singing Patch
Sweet Adelines International's Young Women in Harmony Program has created this activity patch for all levels to introduce girls to the joy of singing with other in multi-part harmony.The Crayon Initiative