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Girl Scouts - Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas put together this 96 page book of everything you want to know about ceremonies! A 32 page PDF file explaining symbols and traditions in Girl Scouting along with examples of ceremonies and a ceremony planner. Lots of files with ceremony examples. Includes folders specifically for bridging and flag ceremonies. A very thorough overview of flag ceremonies and protocol as a PDF file from the Girl Scouts of Central Illinois. Free bridging ceremony certificates for downloading. This page is part of ScoutingWeb.com. Some of the links no longer work, but the ones that do are great, especially the PDF downloads. Tons of images from ABC Bakers that you can use. Thousands of craft ideas for Scouts. JOANN stores now offers GS volunteers 15% off purchases through their program in-store or online. JOANN will give Girl Scouts of the USA a minimum of 2.5% of every eligible transaction. See link for details. The TD Bank WOW!Zone is a comprehensive financial literacy program created by TD Bank. Our goal is to provide children and teens with valuable information about money, saving, banking and investing. Designed to be educational, fun, and interactive, our programs provide a solid foundation for everyone to create a strong financial future. In addition to providing lesson plans here on the web site, we also have trained Bank Instructors available to visit your classroom to teach this special course - absolutely FREE! OFFICIAL guidelines on how to use the Girl Scout logos and colors on t-shirts, printed items, etc. The WAGGGS World Centres International Adventure Activity Pack contains a set of activities designed for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts aged 14+ to work through on their own or with their unit/troop remotely. Activities help participants learn about the World Centres and prepare for an international Guiding/Scouting experience. Calling all Scout Troops! America's ToothFairy provides an opportunity for youth engaged in Boy or Girl Scouts of America to learn, teach and reach out into their community around children's oral health. Note: Currently they are not running the patch program but follow the link to sign up to be notified when it starts back up. Discover how B Corps make a positive impact in their communities, and how your group, troop, or classroom can do the same. Kids will learn how they can support their environment, make their community stronger, and contribute to a healthier world. Patches are FREE. Briar Patches are based on popular teen books. They bring stories to life, letting teens try out their favorite characters' likes and dislikes. They encourage creative problem solving, real-life skills, career exploration, and outdoor fun. There is a workbook and leader guide for each level to learn about energy and careers in the energy field. Patches are FREE. The farm families of Cabot Creamery Co-operative are excited to show you how the delicious dairy products you enjoy make it from our farms to your table. This is a FREE patch program. The Forgotten Soldiers Outreach, Inc. is excited to partner with the Girl Scouts. We designed a program that gives a Girl Scout troop member the opportunity to earn a Forgotten Soldiers Outreach patch. Through a series of easy but important steps each Girl Scout will learn about our Forgotten Soldiers and help support our soldiers that are deployed around the world. Girl Scouts has a partnership with the National Park Service to create the "Girl Scout Ranger Program," a joint venture connecting girls with National Park Service sites throughout the United States, including monuments, seashores, and urban sites. There are 5 steps to earn this patch. The American Nuclear Society has established the Get to Know Nuclear Patch with the Girl Scouts Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana council that can be earned by any Scout in the U.S. that meets the requirements. The requirements are suitable for Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors, however variations can be made to meet educational level of Brownies, and Daisies as well. With the increase in youth bullying, suicide and drug use, Girl Scouts are actively fighting to create change. Through a program to educate and reduce the stigma of mental illness, Girl Scouts can earn the Mental Health Awareness Patch developed by IBPF for playing a positive role in their communities. Patches are FREE. Cabot’s Gratitude Patch focuses on the importance of expressing gratitude in both what one says and through one’s actions. The activities outlined will help kids to focus on, and appreciate, the good things and special people in their lives. Patches are FREE. Learn to explore the great outdoors responsibly with the Happy Camper Patch! Cabot Creamery, REI Co-op, and Leave No Trace present Happy Camper, a patch program that teaches kids how to responsibly explore the great outdoors. This patch is centered around the seven Leave No Trace Principles for Outdoor Ethics, and is sure to inspire and educate explorers of all ages. Participants will learn about the principles, gain tips for utilizing them in everyday life, and complete fun activities geared towards getting outside and enjoying the natural landscape. Patches are FREE. This innovative program isn’t just about earning a patch—it’s about fostering empathy, understanding, and proactive engagement. Girl Scouts will delve into the diverse challenges individuals face today, grasp the importance of extending a helping hand, and explore innovative ways to effect positive change in their neighborhoods. In short, Girl Scouts will engage in meaningful activities that resonate with our core values at Lasagna Love. Cabot and The Bake for Good Program at King Arthur Baking Company have joined forces to create Let Good Thoughts Rise, to allow kids to learn how mindfulness can help them feel focused and relaxed as they move through the world. This is a FREE patch program. Tally Ho, Girl Scout! Nature Cat and his pals have teamed up with Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana to head outside. Earn a free Nature Cat Explorer patch by completing one activity from each of the character sections: Nature Cat, Daisy, Squeeks, and Hal. GSUSA's My Promise, My Faith Explanation and Resources. P.R.A.Y. is a Bible-based religious emblems program for Protestant and Independent Christian churches designed to bring children, youth, and families to Christ. Also features patch programs. Patchwork Designs offers patch programs with individual requirements. They feature Historically Speaking (countries and states), community service projects, Months, Discovery, and other special programs. The Cabot farmers want to teach kids about the importance of pollinators in our communities and practical ways they can help protect and preserve pollinator populations. Patches are FREE. The Stop The Silence patch program will help girls understand invisible disabilities. Through a series of steps, girls will learn what invisible “silent” disabilities are, how they affect people, and what they can do to help others. Girls will also learn how to be more considerate and caring Girl Scouts as they explore inclusion and accessibility when it comes to invisible disabilities. The Stop The Silence patch program is for all Girl Scout levels, Daisy through Ambassador, and can be worked on as a troop or individually. Cabot’s Small Steps Toward Sustainability program encourages all groups to make small changes toward a more sustainable home and community. Patches are FREE. Donate used crayons and earn a patch for doing so! Patches can be purchased here: https://thecrayoninitiative.org/product/scout-patch-iron-on/ Website with simple graphics on how to tie a variety of knots. Nature-Watch provides educational nature products and craft activity kits designed to teach children about nature. Our hands on educational materials and crafts engage, enlighten and enliven the learning experience for children while being a great resource of nature instructional materials for indoor and outdoor educators. A Guide to the Voices of Crickets, Katydids & Cicadas Download topographical maps for free from the USGS. Features unique unofficial badges, crests, and patches. Nature-Watch provides educational nature products and craft activity kits designed to teach children about nature. Our hands on educational materials and crafts engage, enlighten and enliven the learning experience for children while being a great resource of nature instructional materials for indoor and outdoor educators. These badge checklists are created in Excel and allow you to track up to 12 girls of the same level by default. There's also badge checklists for individual girls. These rock! These are spreadsheets that help you run your troop by tracking earned badges, dues, journeys, attendance, etc. Note - haven't been updated since 2020.
Bridging and Ceremonies
Dropbox of Ceremony Examples
Flag Protocol, Ceremonies and Activities
An explanation of bridging along with examples for each level including multi-level troops.
Blog post from the NorCal council walking you through the steps of how to prepare and plan a flag ceremony.ScoutingWeb’s Ceremonies
If your troop or service unit participates in flag retirement ceremonies, please consider sending the stars to this organization who delivers them to our military, first responders, and veterans.
One of the two bakeries that produces Girl Scout cookies. GSSC-MM uses this bakery.ABC Bakers’ Cookie Clip Art
Some great cookie activities can be found here even though it's from Little Brownie Bakers.
One of two bakers that produces Girl Scouts cookies for the United States. GSSC-MM uses ABC Cookies, but LBB has a lot of good resources that can be used as well.
The Official Girl Scout Cookie Finder.
We use ABC Bakers, and while the cookies are similar, there are a few differences other than the names.
Free kids craft ideas including free printables, holiday crafts, coloring pages and more! Features a craft of the day.Making Friends
Tons of craft supplies in bulk.
I don't remember which council I downloaded this from, but here are the famous instructions for tie dying shirts (or whatever) and creating a trefoil design.
Office Depot/Max now has a partnership with GS to offer discounts on copies & prints plus discounts on other items.
Girl Scout Honor Cords can be worn at commencement or other recognition ceremonies for students who have participated or distinguished themselves and who have worked hard for years to earn the highest achievements in Girl Scouting, especially those who have obtained their Girl Scout Gold designation.
Home Depot offers free workshops on the weekends for kids.
Free classes at Lowe's featuring some kind of craft.
Kids love to help in the kitchen. And now, kids can learn how to decorate like the pros with Wilton's new cake decorating program designed especially for them: Wilton Icing Fun. Perfect for all kinds of youth groups -- from scouting troops to birthday parties, Wilton Icing Fun is an easy-to-follow, 90-minute curriculum that helps project leaders walk kids through each decorating step, demonstrate basic techniques, and assist while kids practice on their own cupcakes or cookies.
Girl Scouts of South Carolina - Mountains to Midlands, Inc., serves 12,300 girls and 5,000 adults in central and western South Carolina.
The official website of Girl Scouts USA.
The Safety Activity Checkpoints file for reference (PDF).
Be sure to register for an account so that you can receive discount codes and specials.
A visual Guide for Awards, Badges, Patches, and More from GSUSA.
A collection of cookie patches through the years.
This website has a listing of every GS catalog since 1917 along with scans of every page. It is incredible.
A Facebook community for GS leaders to share ideas, ask for help and suggestions, and talk about various issues.
A Facebook place for Girl Scout leaders, parents and volunteers to sell GS Brand items, including books, patches, clothing etc. All items are either for sale or trade/swap, however the parties wish.
Memories, Opinions, Ideas, Alien Biscuits, and Probably Some Other Stuff.
Founded in 2006 as a Yahoo group by Carol Lee Spages, it expanded to Facebook in the spring of 2012. Girl Scouts & Guides from all over are welcome to join the conversation.
A collection of former (and in some cases, current!) council's own badges.
As a homeschooling Girl Scout I am often doing my Journey's as part of my school work. Which means that I have to plan and implement them myself. I have been asked to share this with others.
A place for Girl Scout adults to connect, grab great ideas, share cool stuff, and feel like you're never alone, because you've always got friends - new or old - silver and gold. Every episode includes lots of encouragement, ideas you can use (and the resources to back them up - here, on the website), and often special guests who have "been there, done that" to share their experiences.
Provides an online resource of historical and current memorabilia for Girl Scouts and Girl Guides everywhere.
A blog that shares the things about Girl Scouting. This blog will also list the updates to the Vintage Girl Scout Online Museum at www.vintagegirlscout.com.
Put your stuff in Dropbox and get to it from your computers, phones, or tablets. Share folders with other Dropbox users and sync files. Free.
Evernote makes it easy to remember things big and small from your everyday life using your computer, phone, tablet and the web. Store text, pictures, files, etc. Free service.
Computer Software for Windows for Girl Scout Troops/Groups and Service Units. No longer updated.
Use Google Calendar to post events and to send out invites and reminders.
Troop management software designed expressly for managing all aspects of Girl Scout troops. Free software but old and may not run under current operating systems.
B The Change from Cabot Creamery
Briar Patches
Farm Love from Cabot Creamery
Forgotten Soldiers Outreach Patch Program
Girl Scout Ranger Program Patch
Girl Scouts Get to Know Nuclear Patch
Girl Scouts Mental Health Awareness Patch
Gratitude from Cabot Creamery
Happy Camper from Cabot Creamery
Lasagna Love Patch Program
Mindfulness Patch from Cabot Creamery
Nature Cat Explorer Patch
P.R.A.Y. Publishing
Pollinator from Cabot Creamery
Sustainability from Cabot Creamery
Sweet Adeline Singing Patch
Sweet Adelines International's Young Women in Harmony Program has created this activity patch for all levels to introduce girls to the joy of singing with other in multi-part harmony.The Crayon Initiative
Contains a tracker to log how many hours you spend outdoors. Can buy patches once 1000 hours is logged.
20 Fall inspired science activities & experiments for preschoolers, kindergarten & elementary age kids!
A list of 20+ badge activities that can be done with your troop.
Everything you ever wanted to know about campfires - how tos, tips & tricks, how to cook, campfire magic tricks, programs, etc.
From the Girl Scouts of Central Maryland council. This is a great PDF file on how to plan a campfire program. Includes ideas for Songs & Skits along with the types of firebuilding and much more.
A collection of posters and downloadable materials about all kinds of subjects about nature. Recently went to subscriber basis - $25/yr.
Our friends at Pennington Wild Birds are working with us to educate and engage children and families in citizen science and the pleasures of wild bird feeding and bird watching! A free download perfect for elementary educators is available: these easy-to-use activities will help you teach science content year-round through the birds that visit.
The Great Backyard Bird Count is a great way for people of all ages and backgrounds to connect with nature and make a difference for birds. It's free and easy.
A PDF file on how to progress your girls to help them gain confidence in outdoor skills.
Thanks to a grant from the Elliott Wildlife Values Project, GSUSA created six new outdoor skill-building videos especially for volunteers newer to Girl Scouts and older Girl Scouts as they take younger girls outside. These videos can help volunteers give girls a sense of empowerment in the outdoors, show them how to use natural resources more wisely (including respecting our environment and wildlife), and help them become lifelong stewards of the land and our natural resources.
Kids in Parks is an expanding network of family-friendly outdoor adventures called TRACK Trails (sites located in NC). Each TRACK Trail features self-guided brochures and signs that turn your visit into a fun and exciting outdoors experience. Best of all, you can earn PRIZES for tracking your adventures!
For more information about the seven principles, PEAK, becoming a Leave No Trace member or sponsor, or to obtain teaching resources, booklets, posters, and plastic reference cards listing the Leave No Trace principles, contact the Center for Outdoor Ethics, P.O. Box 997, Boulder CO 80306; phone (800) 332-4100.
This pack of Leave No Trace materials features several good games for review/problem solving, especially when earning the Junior Eco Camper badge.
To offset the loss of milkweeds and nectar sources we need to create, conserve, and protect milkweed/monarch habitats. We need you to help us and help monarchs by creating "Monarch Waystations" in gardens, at schools, businesses, parks, and on other unused plots of land.
The North Carolina Birding Trail links 300+ bird watching sites and birders with communities, businesses and educational attractions.
REI offers a lot of (free!) outdoor training classes at their locations plus online information. This link is for the Greenville store.
Handouts, coloring sheets, videos, certificates and various resources for leaders for grades K through 8.
Great resource with sections on outdoor games, animal tracks & sounds, leaf rubbings, & videos. Be sure to download the "Book Of Stuff To Do!" PDF file.
A guide to identifying trees in South Carolina by the South Carolina Forestry Commission.
Tons of fun patches to choose from. Be sure to request a catalog under Stock Products/Request Catalogs. Offers free shipping.
This is a Canadian store, but prices and shipping are comparable. They also offer some neat interlocking patch sets for levels, camping, outdoor skills, hiking mile sets, etc.
Another website that offers patch programs and custom patches. Note that some of the patches may contain trademarked content that is not authorized.
MakingFriends.com includes many resources for leaders including patches. Offers 15% off on patches every Wednesday using the code WILDWEDNESDAY
Can return unused patches within 60 days for a refund.
Creates embroidered patches, patch programs, activity kits, and embroidered merchandise for scouting, schools, historical buildings, museums, organizations, and special events. Home of the Historically Speaking and Juliette Gordon Low patch programs.Snappy Logos
More patches! You can request a catalog on the left hand side of the menu. They have a $5 flat shipping rate.
All high-quality custom patches currently available from Southern Jiovanna can be found in the photo album titled "Available Patches" https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.1887429434859247&type=3 You'll need to join the Facebook group in order to see what's offered.
Guarantee your satisfaction or your money back. And, if you don't see the patch you need, we promise that if we think we can sell it, we'll make it for you and add it to our inventory.
Looking for retired Girl Scout badges and try its? Other vintage needs? You've come to the right place. Check back often, as inventory is always changing.
Sells Fun Patches, SWAPS kits, Scout items, girl themed items, craft supplies and Other Items. There are lots of original patches on this website.
Here's an article from a Boy Scout blog with a list of 101 service project ideas.
Downloadable PDF file with 55 ideas and service projects dealing with the environment.
Did you know that Crayola has a program called ColorCycle? Crayola ColorCycle will accept all brands of plastic markers, not just Crayola markers. That includes dry erase markers & highlighters. If you collect the dead markers, they'll send you a free shipping label & you can ship them back to Crayola to be recycled!
Here are a ton of ideas in a variety of settings.
Are you candied out from Halloween?? Why not donate that candy to a great cause? Soldiers' Angels Treats for Troops Program will ship your donated candy to deployed service members around the world or distribute to veterans in VA Hospitals across the country for a sweet treat!
Contact Sheila Miller of the FI Garden Club to partner up for various outdoor projects. They are very enthusiastic and helpful with scout troops!
Friends of the Reedy River is a local, grassroots, volunteer-based, non-profit conservation organization dedicated to promoting, preserving and restoring the Reedy River.
Volunteering with the Greater Greenville Parks Foundation provides much needed support to parks and trails in Greenville county.
A list of the Greenville Humane Society needs and donation items.
This could serve as a citizen scientist project and is tracked via an app. The South Carolina Aquarium encourages citizens to track and remove plastics and other debris from both land and water throughout our beautiful state. Collectively, these efforts improve human health, promote habitat conservation and save wildlife.
Operation: Quiet Comfort is a service project where children create gratitude cards for care packages to wounded military personnel in combat hospitals. Cards to color can be downloaded for free from militarycarecards.com
Here's a long list of service project ideas and organizations that girls can work with.
Lists over 20 ways and ideas.
Here are three sets of community service projects involving sewing including pillow cases for foster children, surgery caps for GHS, and Quilts of Valor. Instructions are included.
This organization puts together stockings of supplies to send to troops overseas.
Contact for Gold Award or service projects. Also has a list of upcoming events that they are hosting for Girl Scouts.
Here's a service project that involves recycling old and broken crayons.
Girl Scout Leaders use games for a variety of different purposes. Some games are used to break the ice or introduce the girls when a troop is new, some games are used to run off energy when girls are feeling hyper or have been sitting for too long during a meeting, and some games are used to teach a lesson or just to fill a space of time once a meeting has concluded.
Most kids who join a scout troop do so because they want to make new friends. But unfamiliar social settings make it easy to freeze up. That’s why it’s essential for the grownups in charge to plan some activities to break the ice.
As I come across songbooks that are worthwhile, I save them all in one place here.
Downloadable Girls Scout Music, Sheet Music and Song Books. GSMusic.com is The Official site for all Girl Scout Music.
There's a lot of resources with the lyrics, but it's hard to learn a song without hearing it! This collection allows you to listen to many of the most popular GS songs. You can download the songbook here: Songbook 2015 – 2016
Downloadable file of songs from the 100th Anniversary Rock the Mall event.
This site has a long listing of traditional GS songs, but it only includes lyrics. However, you can do a cross-search on YouTube to find the tunes.
Watch online tutorials for examples of how to lead songs for Daisies and Brownies.Songs for Scouts
Lyrics and tunes for many Girl and Boy Scout camp songs. Some of the songs include sound files that have the tune.
MP3 download of the "Still Singing After All These Years" album from 2002.
This YouTube channel features the San Diego Girl Scout Songbirds singing classic GS songs. You can hear the tune and see the lyrics.
Ages 4 and up, but primarily younger children.
Experiments that you can do using candy.
STEM career exploration and development information.
Learn to code software online for free.
Code.org® is a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by women and underrepresented minorities. Our vision is that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer science, just like biology, chemistry or algebra.
Lots and lots and lots of articles about earth science. This is a great resource for STEM based activities.
Use the sun's energy to heat up a tasty treat with this simple solar oven! Have you ever heard the expression that it's so hot out you could fry an egg on the sidewalk? Have you ever wondered if it's true? Find out with this easy, fun, and delicious solar oven science project that uses only household items and a pizza box. Plus, learn about absorption, insulation, and the sun's energy.
Kids Ahead is the place to find the coolest science, technology, engineering, and math stuff for kids like you.
The Kids' Science Challenge is chock full of inspiring videos, fun games, and downloadable hands-on science activities. Our Science Careers pages provides resources for future scientists from elementary through college. The Kids' Science Challenge is a project of Jim Metzner Productions, Inc. and made possible by the National Science Foundation.
This page (and website) has a lot of STEM activities that you can download in Microsoft Doc format.
A collection of games about space and space exploration.STEM Activity Guides
From the GS of NE Kansas/NW Missouri council: features lots of science based activities & experiments for various levels with step by step instructions.
This website from Technology Education has links to various STEM resources ranging in ages from elementary school to college.
A listing of hands-on experiments and modules for elementary, middle, and high school students in subjects such as how to build a robot, nanotechnology, astronomy, the moon, gravity, etc.
A ton of different sites about STEM with resources and activities.
A long list of activities and resources that engage kids in the outdoors while earning about gardens and farms.
Tons of hands-on experiments with easy to find ingredients and materials. From PBS Kids.
Tons of crafts. Be sure to join their rewards program.
SWAP kits and supplies.
Great resource in PDF format describing swaps and their history along with resources.
We sell affordable and convenient Girl Scout SWAPS Craft Kits specifically designed for busy Girl Scout Leaders (and busy moms too).
Come inside where you will find fabulous Swaps for LESS! Our mission is to provide affordable swaps kits that are fun and easy to assemble, and super cute for your Girl Scout troop. You will love the convenience, and your girls will love to make them.
A summary of what SWAPs are, the history of them, what they are supposed to do, how to trade them, etc.
Link to a Dropbox folder of all kinds of resources that can be downloaded ranging from ceremonies to leader helps. You don't need a Dropbox account to access these files.
A collection of camping, meetings, ceremonies, and various other ideas by a member of the Girl Guides of Canada.
A collection of training videos on various troop topics.
Karat Kards files are in a layout so that the text information will fit onto a 4x6 card (approximately). The information is designed as activities for use in a troop, event, or camp setting. Subjects will range from games, songs, service projects, recognitions, and graces, to ceremonies, skits, recipes, openings, and closings.
Scouting Resources for Boy and Girl Leaders. Although the site needs to be updated and there are some obsolete links, it has a ton of information about ceremonies, badges, songs, etc.
A website being built that encompasses detailed information about the Girl Scout program.
This is a blog published by the Northern California council featuring volunteer tips and resources. You can subscribe to receive their updates when they're published. A few examples of blog posts: 4 Tips for Working with Troop Parents and Volunteers, How I Learned to Lead a Multi-Level Troop, and 30+ Girl Scout Badge Activities for Animal Lovers.
A quick guide from the GS Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas.
A quick tip sheet for dealing with difficult girl behavior from the GS Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas council.
Survival strategies for Scout leaders and volunteers. Includes patches & meeting ideas.Where to Find Program Content
Now that badge and journey content is not all in one spot, where can you find it? GS River Valleys put together a chart for all levels to detail where you can find badges and journeys whether it's in a store or VTK.