I was sittin’ on my fencepost
Chewing my bubblegum (chew, chew, chew, chew)
Playin’ with my yo-yo (wee-oo! wee-oo!) (or doo wop, doo wop)
When along came Herman the worm
And he was this big (make a motion as if measuring a tiny worm)!
And I said: “Herman? What hap-pened?”
“I swallowed a Daisy.”
Repeat but a little bigger
“I swallowed a Brownie.”
Repeat but a little bigger
“I swallowed a Junior.”
Repeat but a little bigger
“I swallowed a Cadette.”
Repeat but a little bigger
“I swallowed a Senior”
Repeat but a little bigger
“I swallowed an Ambassador.”
Repeat but a little bigger
“I swallowed a Leader.”
I was sittin’ on my fencepost,
Chewing my bubblegum (chew, chew, chew, chew)
Playin’ with my yo-yo (wee-oo! wee-oo!)
When along came Herman the worm
And he was this big (make a motion as if measuring for a tiny worm again)!
And I said: “Herman? What happened?”
“I burped.”