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JOANN stores now offers GS volunteers 15% off purchases through their program in-store or online. JOANN will give Girl Scouts of the USA a minimum of 2.5% of every eligible transaction. See link for details. The TD Bank WOW!Zone is a comprehensive financial literacy program created by TD Bank. Our goal is to provide children and teens with valuable information about money, saving, banking and investing. Designed to be educational, fun, and interactive, our programs provide a solid foundation for everyone to create a strong financial future. In addition to providing lesson plans here on the web site, we also have trained Bank Instructors available to visit your classroom to teach this special course - absolutely FREE!
Office Depot/Max now has a partnership with GS to offer discounts on copies & prints plus discounts on other items.
Girl Scout Honor Cords can be worn at commencement or other recognition ceremonies for students who have participated or distinguished themselves and who have worked hard for years to earn the highest achievements in Girl Scouting, especially those who have obtained their Girl Scout Gold designation.
Home Depot offers free workshops on the weekends for kids.
Free classes at Lowe's featuring some kind of craft.
Kids love to help in the kitchen. And now, kids can learn how to decorate like the pros with Wilton's new cake decorating program designed especially for them: Wilton Icing Fun. Perfect for all kinds of youth groups -- from scouting troops to birthday parties, Wilton Icing Fun is an easy-to-follow, 90-minute curriculum that helps project leaders walk kids through each decorating step, demonstrate basic techniques, and assist while kids practice on their own cupcakes or cookies.